淮南查查网_客服在线人工服务_商城模板建站_孝感注册公司 Nowadays, computer science and technology are becoming increasingly mature, and information technology is rapidly developing. People have deeply realized the powerful functions of computers, and computers have entered various fields of human social development and played a very important role. In the source of the Internet plus era, e-commerce has sprung up, and online shopping has become a popular form. Online shopping has been everywhere, which has caused great pressure on the express management. The express management is a systematic and complex work, which requires a team to cooperate with each other and work together. In this field, traditional manual access or the use of some software to manage express delivery often cannot track and manage various information of express delivery in real-time. Therefore, in order to better serve the software development process, a C # based express delivery management system mini program has been developed.

Keywords: Express delivery management; C#; NET technology









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