app的制作需要多少钱_水果网站策划方案_开发公司股权重组协议书_优化seo系统 Abstract

This article introduces the design and implementation of a Java based music website system, using the SpringBoot framework as the backend development tool. By analyzing the system requirements, the overall architecture was designed, including the front-end interface, back-end database, and audio processing module. Use SpringBoot to build the backend and combine Spring Data JPA and Spring Security to implement database operations, user authentication, and permission management. The system provides music information management, popular music management, search, classification, playlist and other functions, while utilizing existing audio decoders and players to achieve high-quality music playback effects. After testing and optimization, the Java based music website system has the characteristics of complete functionality and good user experience. This study provides a convenient, efficient, and multifunctional music playback solution for music enthusiasts.

Keywords: SpringBoot; MySQL; Music website system; Java






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